Clean and Jerk: What it is and how to do it

Clean and Jerk. It probably doesn't sound familiar to you, but as in other posts, we are going to talk about another very common exercise in your CrossFit sessions. The clean and jerk is a basic weightlifting movement that has been very well received within CrossFit as it is a staple in CrossFit weightlifting routines and in sessions focused on weights.

What is a clean and jerk?

The clean and jerk is a bar exercise that consists of two movements, hence the "compound" name. It consists of lifting the bar from a starting position on the floor in order to have it at shoulder height, only to then finish with a knee flex and with the arms extended so as to place the bar above the head. 

As you can see, this exercise involves several movements. Thus, apart from strength, you will need to control your technique very well in order to make sure that you do it correctly and don’t take any risks. As always, ask your coach, who will surely help you do it. 

It has two different parts: 

Clean: this is the first part in which, as the bar is resting on the ground, and with the legs bent, we must pull to raise the bar, keeping a straight posture until the bar is at shoulder height with the elbows raised and the legs fully stretched. In this position, you will be ready to start the second part. Below, you can see the process step by step. 

Jerk: from the new position, slightly bend the knees to gain momentum while starting to raise the bar over your head so as to end up in a straight position with your feet aligned but apart and your arms extended. 

In the following video, you can see all the details: 



How to do a clean and jerk step by step  

Once you understand the stages or movements involved in a clean and jerk, it will be easier to learn how to execute it, because it can be divided into more simple steps. 

Steps to follow: 

  1. Grasp the bar overhand, keeping a distance equal to the distance between your shoulders. Keep your feet apart and bend your knees. Pull up the bar while keeping your back straight until you bring it to your waist. 
  1. Without stopping or slowing down your movements, perform a shrug, followed by a downward pull with the arms, driving the elbows up and receiving the bar. 
  1. Lean your torso down and bend your knees slightly. Take momentum and position your legs as described above while raising the bar over your head. 
  1. Once the bar is above your head and your arms are fully extended, your legs should be in a split position, one foot in front of the other, slightly apart. Generally, at this point, you usually hold this position for a couple of seconds before dropping the bar. 

In the following videos, you can see the execution of this exercise in a variation in which the legs do not move: 


Squat, deadlift, overhead deadlift... by including several exercises in one, the clean and jerk works a great number of muscles, including: 

  • Quads 
  • Biceps 
  • Triceps 
  • Shoulders 
  • Forearm 
  • Pecs 
  • Hamstrings 
  • Abs 
  • Calves 

The Clean and Jerk is a very technical lift which tests almost every muscle in the body. This exercise increases strength, muscle size, and endurance while developing agility, coordination, and speed. 

Exercises to help you do your first clean and jerk 

As in almost all complex CrossFit exercises, you can always prepare and start with other exercises that may be easier in order to develop technique and increase strength.  

In this case, as the clean and jerk is a compound exercise, you can perform both exercises separately with very little weight or just with the bar until you perfect your technique – and then add weight and repetitions. 

You can also perform other exercises that do not involve a bar, such as squats, push-ups, and sit-ups. 

As we have seen, as you start to use more weight it is a good idea to have extra protection. From weightlifting wrist wraps (there are also elastic ones) to kneepads that help you to exceed your maximum repetition. 

Now you're definitely one step closer to doing your first clean and jerk!